C++ compiler support

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C++ language
General topics
Flow control
Conditional execution statements
Iteration statements (loops)
Jump statements
Function declaration
Lambda function declaration
inline specifier
Exception specifications (until C++20)
noexcept specifier (C++11)
decltype (C++11)
auto (C++11)
alignas (C++11)
Storage duration specifiers
Alternative representations
Boolean - Integer - Floating-point
Character - String - nullptr (C++11)
User-defined (C++11)
Attributes (C++11)
typedef declaration
Type alias declaration (C++11)
Implicit conversions - Explicit conversions
static_cast - dynamic_cast
const_cast - reinterpret_cast
Memory allocation
Class-specific function properties
Special member functions

The following table presents compiler support for new C++ features. These include C++11, C++14, C++17, and later accepted revisions (C++20/C++2a) to the standard, as well as various technical specifications.

C++2a features

Note that this list may change, as the draft C++2a standard evolves.

C++2a feature
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Sun/Oracle C++
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Portland Group (PGI)
Allow lambda-capture [=, this] P0409R2 c++2a-lang 8 6
__VA_OPT__ P0306R4 c++2a-lang 8 (partial)* 6

Designated initializers P0329R4 c++2a-lang 4.7 (partial)*
3.0 (partial)*

template-parameter-list for generic lambdas P0428R2 c++2a-lang 8

Default member initializers for bit-fields P0683R1 c++2a-lang 8 6

Initializer list constructors in class template argument deduction P0702R1 c++2a-lang 8 6

const&-qualified pointers to members P0704R1 c++2a-lang 8 6

Concepts P0734R0 c++2a-lang 6
(TS only)
Lambdas in unevaluated contexts P0315R4 c++2a-lang 9

Three-way comparison operator P0515R3 c++2a-lang 8 (partial)*

Simplifying implicit lambda capture P0588R1 c++2a-lang 8

init-statements for range-based for P0614R1 c++2a-lang 9 8

Default constructible and assignable stateless lambdas P0624R2 c++2a-lang 9 8

const mismatch with defaulted copy constructor P0641R2 c++2a-lang 9 8

Access checking on specializations P0692R1 c++2a-lang Yes 8 (partial)*

ADL and function templates that are not visible P0846R0 c++2a-lang 9

Less eager instantiation of constexpr functions P0859R0 c++2a-lang 5.2 (partial)*
Attributes [[likely]] and [[unlikely]] P0479R5 c++2a-lang 9

Make typename more optional P0634R3 c++2a-lang 9

Pack expansion in lambda init-capture P0780R2 c++2a-lang 9

Attribute [[no_unique_address]] P0840R2 c++2a-lang 9
Contracts P0542R5 c++2a-lang

Destroying operator delete P0722R3 c++2a-lang 9 6

Class types in non-type template parameters P0732R2 c++2a-lang 9

explicit(bool) P0892R2 c++2a-lang 9

Integrating feature-test macros P0941R2 c++2a-lang 5 3.4 19.15*

Prohibit aggregates with user-declared constructors P1008R1 c++2a-lang 9 8

constexpr virtual function P1064R0 c++2a-lang 9

std::endian P0463R1 c++2a 8 7

std::remove_cvref P0550R2 c++2a 9 6

Extending std::make_shared to support arrays P0674R1 c++2a
Floating point atomic P0020R6 c++2a

Synchronized buffered ostream P0053R7 c++2a

constexpr for <algorithm> and <utility> P0202R3 c++2a 8

More constexpr for <complex> P0415R1 c++2a 9

String prefix and suffix checking P0457R2 c++2a 6

Library support for operator<=> <compare> P0515R3 c++2a 7

Utility to convert a pointer to a raw pointer P0653R2 c++2a 8 6

Atomic shared_ptr and weak_ptr P0718R2 c++2a
std::span P0122R7 c++2a 7

Calendar and timezone P0355R7 c++2a 7

<version> P0754R2 c++2a 9 7
std::atomic_ref P0019R8 c++2a

std::bit_cast P0476R2 c++2a

std::destroying_delete P0722R3 c++2a 9

Concepts library P0898R3 c++2a

C++2a feature
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Sun/Oracle C++
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Portland Group (PGI)

C++17 features

C++17 feature
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Sun/Oracle C++
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Portland Group (PGI)
New auto rules for direct-list-initialization N3922 c++17-lang 5 3.8 19.0* 4.10.1 17.0 17.7
static_assert with no message N3928 c++17-lang 6 2.5 19.10* 4.12 18.0 17.7
typename in a template template parameter N4051 c++17-lang 5 3.5 19.0* 4.10.1 17.0 17.7
Removing trigraphs N4086 c++17-lang 5 3.5 16.0* 5.0
Nested namespace definition N4230 c++17-lang 6 3.6 19.0* 4.12 17.0 17.7
Attributes for namespaces and enumerators N4266 c++17-lang 4.9 (namespaces) / 6 (enumerators) 3.6 19.0* 4.11 17.0 17.7
u8 character literals N4267 c++17-lang 6 3.6 19.0* 4.11 17.0 17.7
Allow constant evaluation for all non-type template arguments N4268 c++17-lang 6 3.6 19.12* 5.0
Fold Expressions N4295 c++17-lang 6 3.6 19.12* 4.14 19.0 18.1
Remove Deprecated Use of the register Keyword P0001R1 c++17-lang 7 3.8 19.11* 4.13 18.0 17.7
Remove Deprecated operator++(bool) P0002R1 c++17-lang 7 3.8 19.11* 4.13 18.0 17.7
Removing Deprecated Exception Specifications from C++17 P0003R5 c++17-lang 7 4 19.10* 4.14 19.0
Make exception specifications part of the type system P0012R1 c++17-lang 7 4 19.12* 4.14 19.0
Aggregate initialization of classes with base classes P0017R1 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.14* 5.0
Lambda capture of *this P0018R3 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.11* 4.14 19.0 18.1
Using attribute namespaces without repetition P0028R4 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.11* 4.13 18.0 17.7
Dynamic memory allocation for over-aligned data P0035R4 c++17-lang 7 4 19.12* 4.14
Unary fold expressions and empty parameter packs P0036R0 c++17-lang 6 3.9 19.12* 4.14
__has_include in preprocessor conditionals P0061R1 c++17-lang 5 Yes 19.11* 4.13 18.0 17.7
Template argument deduction for class templates P0091R3 c++17-lang 7 5 19.14* 5.0
Non-type template parameters with auto type P0127R2 c++17-lang 7 4 19.14* 5.0
Guaranteed copy elision P0135R1 c++17-lang 7 4 19.13* 5.0
New specification for inheriting constructors (DR1941 et al) P0136R1 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.14*
Replacement of class objects containing reference members P0137R1 c++17-lang 7 6 19.14* 5.0
Direct-list-initialization of enumerations P0138R2 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.11* 4.14 18.0
Stricter expression evaluation order P0145R3 c++17-lang 7 4 19.14* 5.0
constexpr lambda expressions P0170R1 c++17-lang 7 5 19.11* 4.14 19.0 18.1
Differing begin and end types in range-based for P0184R0 c++17-lang 6 3.9 19.10* 4.12 18.0 17.7
[[fallthrough]] attribute P0188R1 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.10* 4.13 18.0 17.7
[[nodiscard]] attribute P0189R1 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.11* 4.13 18.0 17.7
Pack expansions in using-declarations P0195R2 c++17-lang 7 4 19.14* 5.0
[[maybe_unused]] attribute P0212R1 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.11* 4.13 18.0 17.7
Structured Bindings P0217R3 c++17-lang 7 4 19.11* 4.14 19.0 18.1
Hexadecimal floating-point literals P0245R1 c++17-lang 3.0 Yes 19.11* 4.13 18.0 17.7
Ignore unknown attributes P0283R2 c++17-lang Yes 3.9 19.11* 4.13 18.0 17.7
constexpr if statements P0292R2 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.11* 4.14 19.0 18.1
init-statements for if and switch P0305R1 c++17-lang 7 3.9 19.11* 4.14 18.0 18.1
Inline variables P0386R2 c++17-lang 7 3.9* 19.12* 4.14 19.0 18.1
DR: Matching of template template-arguments excludes compatible templates P0522R0 c++17-lang 7 4 19.12* 5.0
std::uncaught_exceptions() N4259 c++17 6 3.7 19.0* N/A N/A N/A
Improving std::pair and std::tuple N4387 c++17 6 4 19.0* N/A N/A N/A
std::any P0220R1 c++17 7 4 19.10* N/A N/A N/A
std::variant P0088R3 c++17 7 4 19.10* N/A N/A N/A
std::optional P0220R1 c++17 7 4 19.10* N/A N/A N/A
std::shared_mutex (untimed) N4508 c++17 6 3.7 19.0* N/A N/A N/A
std::string_view N3921 c++17 7 4 19.10* N/A N/A N/A
Standardization of Parallelism TS P0024R2 c++17 19.14* N/A 18.0* N/A
Elementary string conversions P0067R5 c++17 8 (no FP) 19.14* (no FP)
Mathematical special functions P0226R1 c++17 7 19.14* N/A N/A N/A
Splicing Maps and Sets P0083R3 c++17 7 8 19.12* N/A N/A N/A
Hardware interference size P0154R1 c++17 19.11* N/A N/A N/A
std::filesystem P0218R1 c++17 8 7 19.14* N/A N/A N/A
std::byte P0298R3 c++17 7 5 19.11* N/A N/A N/A

C++17 feature
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Sun/Oracle C++
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Portland Group (PGI)

C++14 features

C++14 feature
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Sun/Oracle C++
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Portland Group (PGI)
Tweaked wording for contextual conversions N3323 c++14-lang 4.9 3.4 18.0* 4.9 16.0 13.1.2* 5.15 8.6 16.1
Binary literals N3472 c++14-lang 4.3/4.9 2.9 19.0* 4.10 11.0 13.1.2* 5.14 8.6 2015
decltype(auto), Return type deduction for normal functions N3638 c++14-lang 4.8/4.9 3.3/3.4 19.0* 4.9 15.0 13.1.2* 5.15 8.6 16.1
Initialized/Generalized lambda captures (init-capture) N3648 c++14-lang 4.5/4.9 3.4 19.0* 4.10 15.0 5.15 8.6 16.1
Generic (polymorphic) lambda expressions N3649 c++14-lang 4.9 3.4 19.0* 4.10 16.0 13.1.2* 5.15 8.6 16.1
Variable templates N3651 c++14-lang 5 3.4 19.0* 4.11 17.0 13.1.2* 5.15 8.6 17.4
Extended constexpr N3652 c++14-lang 5 3.4 19.10* 4.11 17.0 13.1.2* 5.15 8.6 17.4
Member initializers and aggregates (NSDMI) N3653 c++14-lang 5 3.3 19.10* 4.9 16.0 5.14 8.6 16.1
Clarifying memory allocation (avoiding/fusing allocations) N3664 c++14-lang N/A 3.4 N/A N/A N/A 8.6 17.4
[[deprecated]] attribute N3760 c++14-lang 4.9 3.4 19.0* 4.9 15.0*
13.1.2* 5.14 8.6 16.1
Sized deallocation N3778 c++14-lang 5 3.4 19.0* 4.10.1 17.0 5.14 8.6 16.1
Single quote as digit separator N3781 c++14-lang 4.9 3.4 19.0* 4.10 16.0 13.1.2* 5.14 8.6 2015
std::result_of and SFINAE N3462 c++14 5 Yes 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 Yes 8.6 N/A
constexpr for <complex> N3302 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
constexpr for <chrono> N3469 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
constexpr for <array> N3470 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
constexpr for <initializer_list>, <utility> and <tuple> N3471 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
Improved std::integral_constant N3545 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
User-defined literals for <chrono> and <string> N3642 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
Null forward iterators N3644 c++14 5* 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
std::quoted N3654 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
Heterogeneous associative lookup N3657 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
std::integer_sequence N3658 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
std::shared_timed_mutex N3659 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
std::exchange N3668 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
fixing constexpr member functions without const N3669 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
std::get<T>() N3670 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A
Dual-Range std::equal, std::is_permutation, std::mismatch N3671 c++14 5 3.4 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 8.6 N/A

C++14 feature
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Sun/Oracle C++
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Portland Group (PGI)

C++11 features

C++11 feature
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Sun/Oracle C++
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Portland Group (PGI)
Digital Mars C++
alignas N2341 c++11 4.8 3.0 19.0* 4.8 15.0 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.6 2015
alignof N2341 c++11 4.5 2.9 19.0* 4.8 15.0 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015
Atomic operations N2427 c++11 4.4 3.1 17.0* Yes 13.0 13.1.2* 5.14 Yes 8.4 2015
auto N1984(v1.0) c++11 4.4(v1.0) Yes 16.0* 4.1(v0.9) 11.0(v0.9)
11.1(v1.0) 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25
C99 preprocessor N1653 c++11 4.3 Yes 19.0* (partial - buggy variadic macros) 4.1 11.1 10.1 5.9 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25 Yes
constexpr N2235 c++11 4.6 3.1 19.0* (partial) 4.6 13.0*
5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
decltype v1.0: N2343

v1.1: N3276

c++11 4.3(v1.0)
2.9 16.0* 4.1(v1.0) 11.0(v1.0)
11.1(v1.0) 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25 8.52(v1.0)
Defaulted and deleted functions N2346 c++11 4.4 3.0 18.0* 4.1 12.0 13.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25
Delegating constructors N1986 c++11 4.7 3.0 18.0* 4.7 14.0 11.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
Explicit conversion operators N2437 c++11 4.5 3.0 18.0* 4.4 13.0 12.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.27
Extended friend declarations N1791 c++11 4.7 2.9 16.0* (partial) 4.1 11.1*
11.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25
extern template N1987 c++11 3.3 Yes 12.0* 3.9 9.0 11.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25
Forward enum declarations N2764 c++11 4.6 3.1 17.0* 4.5 11.1*
12.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015
Inheriting constructors N2540 c++11 4.8 3.3 19.0* 4.8 15.0 13.1.1* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015
Initializer lists N2672 c++11 4.4 3.1 18.0* 4.5 13.0*
13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
Lambda expressions v0.9: N2550

v1.0: N2658
v1.1: N2927

c++11 4.5(v1.1) 3.1 16.0*(v1.0)
4.1(v1.1) 12.0(v1.1) 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25
Local and unnamed types as template parameters N2657 c++11 4.5 2.9 16.0* 4.2 12.0 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.27
long long N1811 c++11 Yes Yes 14.0* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8.4 2015 Yes Yes
Inline namespaces N2535 c++11 4.4 2.9 19.0* 4.5 14.0 11.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
New character types N2249 c++11 4.4 2.9 19.0* 4.4 12.1*
13.1.1* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.27 8.52
Trailing function return types N2541 c++11 4.4 2.9 16.0* 4.1 12.0 12.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.27
nullptr N2431 c++11 4.6 2.9 16.0* 4.2 12.1 13.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.27 8.52
Unicode string literals N2442 c++11 4.4 3.0 19.0* 4.7 11.0* 10.1*
5.7 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28 8.52
Raw string literals N2442 c++11 4.5 Yes 18.0* 4.7 14.0 13.1.1* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28 8.52
User-defined literals N2765 c++11 4.7 3.1 19.0* 4.8 15.0 13.1.2* 5.14 Yes 8.4 2015
Right angle brackets N1757 c++11 4.3 Yes 14.0* 4.1 11.0 12.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015
Rvalue references v1.0: N2118

v2.0: N2844
v2.1: N2844+
v3.0: N3053

c++11 4.3(v1.0)
Yes 16.0*(v2.0)
4.5(v3.0) 11.1(v1.0)
12.1(v2.1) 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25
static_assert N1720 c++11 4.3 2.9 16.0* 4.1 11.0 11.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25 8.52
Strongly-typed enum N2347 c++11 4.4 2.9 17.0* 4.0 13.0 12.1 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25
Template aliases N2258 c++11 4.7 3.0 18.0* 4.2 12.1 13.1.1* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.27
Thread-local storage N2659 c++11 4.4*
16.0* (partial)
4.8 11.1*
5.9* Yes 8.4 2015 8.52*
Unrestricted unions N2544 c++11 4.6 3.0 19.0* 4.6 14.0* 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
Type traits N1836 c++11 4.3 3.0 14.0* 4.0 10.0 13.1.3 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 6.16
Variadic templates v0.9: N2242

v1.0: N2555

c++11 4.3(v0.9)
2.9(v1.0) 18.0* 4.1(v0.9) 12.1(v1.0) 11.1(v0.9) 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.27
Range-for loop N2930 c++11 4.6 3.0 17.0* 4.5 13.0 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
override and final v0.8: N2928

v0.9: N3206
v1.0: N3272

c++11 4.7 2.9 14.0* (partial)
4.8(v1.0) 12.0(v0.8)
13.1.1* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015
Attributes N2761 c++11 4.8 3.3 19.0* 4.2 12.1 13.1.1* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.27
ref-qualifiers N2439 c++11 4.8.1 2.9 19.0* 4.7 14.0 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
Non-static data member initializers N2756 c++11 4.7 3.0 18.0* 4.6 14.0 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
Dynamic initialization and destruction with concurrency (magic statics) N2660 c++11 4.3 2.9 19.0* Yes 11.1* 13.1.2* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.25
noexcept N3050 c++11 4.6 3.0 19.0* 4.5 14.0 13.1.1* 5.13 Yes 8.4 2015 A.06.28
dynamic pointer safety (GC interface) N2670 c++11 N/A N/A N/A
Money, Time, and hexfloat I/O manipulators Time: N2071

Money: N2072

c++11 5 3.8 19.0* N/A N/A 5.15 N/A

C++11 feature
EDG eccp
Intel C++
Sun/Oracle C++
Embarcadero C++ Builder
Portland Group (PGI)
Digital Mars C++

* - hover over the version number to see notes


Individual vendor compatibility checklists (these are more up-to-date than the table above)

  • GCC (Updated 2018-11)
  • Clang++ (Updated 2017-09)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio (updated 2018-09)
  • Intel C++ (Updated 2017-11)
  • Parallel STL (an implementation of the C++17 standard library algorithms with support for execution policies)
  • EDG (Updated 2018-06)
  • Oracle C++ (updated 2017-07)
  • Full C++14 support added in 5.15.
  • Oracle ships 4 implementations of the C++ standard library:
  • libCstd (RogueWave Standard Library version 2), predates C++98
  • stlport4 (STLport Standard Library version 4.5.3), predates C++03
  • stdcxx4 (Apache Standard Library version 4), predates C++11
  • libstdc++ (GCC runtime library, support for C++11 and C++14 depending on release)
  • IBM XL C++ (updated 2018-05)
  • IBM XL C++ for Linux
  • Core language support status: C++11 complete as of 13.1.6, C++14 partial in 16.1.0
  • IBM does not ship an implementation of C++ standard library for Linux (uses GNU libstdc++)
  • IBM XL C++ for AIX
  • HP aCC
  • Digital Mars C++
  • Embarcadero C++
  • Cray (updated 2018-01)
  • Portland Group (PGI) (updated 2018-02)
  • Release notes for 2016 claim C++14 support, except "generalized constexpr and constexpr member functions and implicit const, variable templates, clarifying memory allocation (merged allocation)"
  • Release notes for 2018
  • PGI does not ship an implementation of C++ standard library
  • Texas Instruments (updated 2018-05)
  • Analog Devices (updated 2018-05)