Documentation Contents

Note: This Java deployment guide describes features released prior to the Java SE 6 update 10 release. See Java Rich Internet Applications Development and Deployment for the latest information.

Tracing and Logging

Tracing and Logging includes the following topics:



Tracing is a facility to redirect any output in the Java Console to a trace file.

Java Plug-in

Tracing can be turned on by enabling the property javaplugin.trace. However, it turns on all tracing facilities inside Java Plug-in. To enable more fine-grained tracing, javaplugin.trace.option may be used. You can set trace-level options (0-5) in the Java Console, shown in the previous chapter, with the following meanings:

This enables tracing on the fly.

Another way to set fine-grained tracing is through the Java Control Panel. For instance, to enable tracing for everthing (option 5 above), enter the following in the "Java Run Time Parameters" textfield:


Tracing set through the Control Panel will take effect when the Plug-in is launched, but changes made through the Control Panel while a Plug-in is running will have no effect until restart.

Java Web Start

To set the initial trace level for a Java Web Start application set the deployment property deployment.trace.level. The deployment.trace.level property can have one of the following values:

To use all the tracing level set deployment.trace.level to all.


Similar to tracing, logging is a facility to redirect any output in the Java Console to a log file using the Java Logging API. To enable logging perform the following actions:

Other Options

File Names

The names of the trace and log files are

plugin<modified version number>.trace
plugin<modified version number>.log

where the <modified version number> includes the major, minor and patch version numbers; e.g., plugin142_06.trace or plugin150.log

File Locations

The default location (directory) of the trace and log files is:

where <User Application Data Folder> is as defined here.

If the environment variable USER_JPI_PROFILE is set to <user plugin home> then the trace and log files will be written to:

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