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QTextTableFormat Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QTextTableFormat class provides formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument. More...

Inherits QTextFrameFormat.


Detailed Description

The QTextTableFormat class provides formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument.

A table is a group of cells ordered into rows and columns. Each table contains at least one row and one column. Each cell contains a block. Tables in rich text documents are formatted using the properties defined in this class.

Tables are horizontally justified within their parent frame according to the table's alignment. This can be read with the alignment() function and set with setAlignment().

Cells within the table are separated by cell spacing. The number of pixels between cells is set with setCellSpacing() and read with cellSpacing(). The contents of each cell is surrounded by cell padding. The number of pixels between each cell edge and its contents is set with setCellPadding() and read with cellPadding().

The table's background color can be read with the background() function, and can be specified with setBackground(). The background color of each cell can be set independently, and will control the color of the cell within the padded area.

The table format also provides a way to constrain the widths of the columns in the table. Columns can be assigned a fixed width, a variable width, or a percentage of the available width (see QTextLength). The columns() function returns the number of columns with constraints, and the columnWidthConstraints() function returns the constraints defined for the table. These quantities can also be set by calling setColumnWidthConstraints() with a vector containing new constraints. If no constraints are required, clearColumnWidthConstraints() can be used to remove them.

Method Documentation

QTextTableFormat.__init__ (self)

Constructs a new table format object.

QTextTableFormat.__init__ (self, QTextTableFormat)

Qt.Alignment QTextTableFormat.alignment (self)

Returns the table's alignment.

See also setAlignment().

float QTextTableFormat.cellPadding (self)

Returns the table's cell padding. This describes the distance between the border of a cell and its contents.

See also setCellPadding().

float QTextTableFormat.cellSpacing (self)

Returns the table's cell spacing. This describes the distance between adjacent cells.

See also setCellSpacing().

QTextTableFormat.clearColumnWidthConstraints (self)

Clears the column width constraints for the table.

See also columnWidthConstraints() and setColumnWidthConstraints().

int QTextTableFormat.columns (self)

Returns the number of columns specified by the table format.

list-of-QTextLength QTextTableFormat.columnWidthConstraints (self)

Returns a list of constraints used by this table format to control the appearance of columns in a table.

See also setColumnWidthConstraints().

int QTextTableFormat.headerRowCount (self)

Returns the number of rows in the table that define the header.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also setHeaderRowCount().

bool QTextTableFormat.isValid (self)

Returns true if this table format is valid; otherwise returns false.

QTextTableFormat.setAlignment (self, Qt.Alignment aalignment)

Sets the table's alignment.

See also alignment().

QTextTableFormat.setCellPadding (self, float apadding)

Sets the cell padding for the table. This determines the distance between the border of a cell and its contents.

See also cellPadding().

QTextTableFormat.setCellSpacing (self, float spacing)

Sets the cell spacing for the table. This determines the distance between adjacent cells.

See also cellSpacing().

QTextTableFormat.setColumns (self, int acolumns)

QTextTableFormat.setColumnWidthConstraints (self, list-of-QTextLength constraints)

Sets the column width constraints for the table.

See also columnWidthConstraints() and clearColumnWidthConstraints().

QTextTableFormat.setHeaderRowCount (self, int count)

Declares the first count rows of the table as table header. The table header rows get repeated when a table is broken across a page boundary.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

See also headerRowCount().

PyQt 4.9.4 for WindowsCopyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and Nokia 2012Qt 4.8.2