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QShowEvent Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QShowEvent class provides an event that is sent when a widget is shown. More...

Inherits QEvent.


Detailed Description

The QShowEvent class provides an event that is sent when a widget is shown.

There are two kinds of show events: show events caused by the window system (spontaneous), and internal show events. Spontaneous (QEvent.spontaneous()) show events are sent just after the window system shows the window; they are also sent when a top-level window is redisplayed after being iconified. Internal show events are delivered just before the widget becomes visible.

Method Documentation

QShowEvent.__init__ (self)

Constructs a QShowEvent.

QShowEvent.__init__ (self, QShowEvent)

PyQt 4.9.4 for WindowsCopyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and Nokia 2012Qt 4.8.2