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QCryptographicHash Class Reference
[QtCore module]

The QCryptographicHash class provides a way to generate cryptographic hashes. More...



Static Methods

Detailed Description

The QCryptographicHash class provides a way to generate cryptographic hashes.

QCryptographicHash can be used to generate cryptographic hashes of binary or text data.

Currently MD4, MD5, and SHA-1 are supported.

Type Documentation


Constant Value Description
QCryptographicHash.Md4 0 Generate an MD4 hash sum
QCryptographicHash.Md5 1 Generate an MD5 hash sum
QCryptographicHash.Sha1 2 Generate an SHA1 hash sum

Method Documentation

QCryptographicHash.__init__ (self, Algorithm method)

Constructs an object that can be used to create a cryptographic hash from data using method.

QCryptographicHash.addData (self, str data)

Adds the first length chars of data to the cryptographic hash.

QCryptographicHash.addData (self, QByteArray data)

This function overloads addData().

QByteArray QCryptographicHash.hash (QByteArray data, Algorithm method)

Returns the hash of data using method.

QCryptographicHash.reset (self)

Resets the object.

QByteArray QCryptographicHash.result (self)

Returns the final hash value.

See also QByteArray.toHex().

PyQt 4.9.4 for WindowsCopyright © Riverbank Computing Ltd and Nokia 2012Qt 4.8.2