你所需要知道的关于 Django 的一切。
你是刚学 Django 或是初学编程? 这就是你开始学习的地方!
Django 有丰富的文档。一份高度概述的文档会告诉你在哪里找到特定的东西:
Django provides an abstraction layer (the "models") for structuring and manipulating the data of your web application. Learn more about it below:
Django 具有 “视图” 的概念,负责处理用户的请求并返回响应。通过以下链接查找所有你需要知道的有关视图的信息:
学习众多的组件及工具,来帮助你开发和测试 Django 应用:
Security is a topic of paramount importance in the development of web applications and Django provides multiple protection tools and mechanisms:
Django 提供了一个强大的国际化和本地化的框架, 以帮助您在多语言和世界各地区进行应用程序的开发:
GeoDjango intends to be a world-class geographic web framework. Its goal is to make it as easy as possible to build GIS web applications and harness the power of spatially enabled data.
Django offers multiple tools commonly needed in the development of web applications: