How to deploy Django

Django is full of shortcuts to make web developers' lives easier, but all those tools are of no use if you can't easily deploy your sites. Since Django's inception, ease of deployment has been a major goal.




  • WSGI is the main Python standard for communicating between web servers and applications, but it only supports synchronous code.
  • ASGI 是新兴的,对异步友好的让你的Django网页使用Python异步特性和已经开发的Django异步特性的标准。

你必须要考虑如何处理你的应用程序的静态文件 :doc:` static files 1` ,以及如何处理 error reporting2

最后,在将你的应用程序部署到生产环境中之前,你应该执行一遍 deployment checklist 1 以确保你的配置是合适的。