1.4.0[][src]Function std::thread::sleep

pub fn sleep(dur: Duration)

Puts the current thread to sleep for at least the specified amount of time.

The thread may sleep longer than the duration specified due to scheduling specifics or platform-dependent functionality. It will never sleep less.

Platform-specific behavior

On Unix platforms, the underlying syscall may be interrupted by a spurious wakeup or signal handler. To ensure the sleep occurs for at least the specified duration, this function may invoke that system call multiple times. Platforms which do not support nanosecond precision for sleeping will have dur rounded up to the nearest granularity of time they can sleep for.


use std::{thread, time};

let ten_millis = time::Duration::from_millis(10);
let now = time::Instant::now();


assert!(now.elapsed() >= ten_millis);Run