The following changes have been made to classes/functions/methods of this extension.
Version | Function | Description |
5.6.0 | crypt | Raise E_NOTICE security warning if salt is omitted. |
html_entity_decode | The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to be the value of the default_charset configuration option. | |
htmlentities | The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to be the value of the default_charset configuration option. | |
htmlspecialchars | The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to be the value of the default_charset configuration option. | |
substr_compare | length may now be 0. | |
5.5.1 | hex2bin | A warning is thrown if the input string is invalid hexadecimal string. |
5.4.4 | hex2bin | A warning is thrown if the input string is of odd length. In PHP 5.4.0 the string was silently accepted, but the last byte was truncated. |
5.4.0 | get_html_translation_table | The constants ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added. |
get_html_translation_table | The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to UTF-8. | |
html_entity_decode | The constants ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added. | |
html_entity_decode | Default encoding changed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. | |
htmlentities | The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to UTF-8. | |
htmlentities | The constants ENT_SUBSTITUTE, ENT_DISALLOWED, ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added. | |
htmlspecialchars | The constants ENT_SUBSTITUTE, ENT_DISALLOWED, ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added. | |
htmlspecialchars | The default value for the encoding parameter was changed to UTF-8. | |
htmlspecialchars_decode | The constants ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5 were added. | |
number_format | This function now supports multiple bytes in dec_point and thousands_sep. Only the first byte of each separator was used in older versions. | |
5.3.7 | crypt | Added $2x$ and $2y$ Blowfish modes to deal with potential high-bit attacks. |
5.3.4 | get_html_translation_table | The encoding parameter was added. |
5.3.2 | crypt | Added SHA-256 and SHA-512 crypt based on Ulrich Drepper's implementation. |
crypt | Fixed Blowfish behaviour on invalid rounds to return "failure" string ("*0" or "*1"), instead of falling back to DES. | |
5.3.0 | crypt | PHP now contains its own implementation for the MD5 crypt, Standard DES, Extended DES and the Blowfish algorithms and will use that if the system lacks of support for one or more of the algorithms. |
htmlentities | The constant ENT_IGNORE was added. | |
htmlspecialchars | The constant ENT_IGNORE was added. | |
nl2br | Added the optional is_xhtml parameter. | |
setlocale | This function now throws an E_DEPRECATED notice if a string is passed to the category parameter instead of one of the LC_* constants. | |
stristr | Added the optional parameter before_needle. | |
strlen | Prior versions treated arrays as the string Array, thus returning a string length of 5 and emitting an E_NOTICE level error. | |
strstr | Added the optional parameter before_needle. | |
5.2.5 | addcslashes | The escape sequences \v and \f were added. |
5.2.3 | htmlentities | The double_encode parameter was added. |
htmlspecialchars | The double_encode parameter was added. | |
5.2.2 - 5.2.6 | substr | If the start parameter indicates the position of a negative truncation or beyond, false is returned. Other versions get the string from start. |
5.1.0 | explode | Support for negative limits was added |
md5_file | Changed the function to use the streams API. It means that you can use it with wrappers, like md5_file('') | |
sha1_file | Changed the function to use the streams API. It means that you can use it with wrappers, like sha1_file('') | |
str_word_count | Added the charlist parameter | |
substr_compare | Added the possibility to use a negative offset. | |
substr_count | Added the offset and the length parameters | |
5.0.0 | strip_tags | strip_tags is now binary safe. |
strrpos | The needle may now be a string of more than one character. | |
4.3.0 | stristr | stristr was made binary safe. |
strrchr | This function is now binary safe. | |
strstr | strstr was made binary safe. | |
4.2.3 | strcoll | This function now works on win32. |
4.0.5 | nl2br | nl2br is now XHTML compliant. All older versions will return string with '<br>' inserted before newlines instead of '<br />'. |