Why another jQuery Documentation?Solving your own problems is so much fun.
There are numerous alternative jQuery documentations out there, such as jQuery API Browser,
jQuery API, Visual jQuery and another
jQuery API Browser. They are all out of date. The latest
official documentation has been released
in the 14 days of jQuery. Why the heck another one?
The jQuery documentation is great, very complete, nicely written and with a lot of examples and demos. The only thing that bugs me is the
way we have to find the right documentation for what we search for. Try to search for the .is()
function for example. Over 100 matches
before the actual function I am looking for?!*) And it is a fixed layout which means even on my big screen I have to scroll all the way down and have
to scan for it. There have to be a better way, obviously.
The alternative Rails documentation Rails API is my favorite documentation
for my favorite server-side tool. Unfortunately my favorite client-side tool did not have such a fast and slick documentation. Inspired by
the Rails API and desperate for a better navigation I coded one myself. Of course with jQuery!
Just to make it clear, I only coded the navigation and re-styled the documentation. The content is the same as in the
official documentation and all credits belong to the jQuery team. Keep up the great work!
*) Edit: it is the first search result when you enter it with brackets.
jQAPI offline versionDocumentation for the road.
Keyboard UsageSpeed it up.
The keys are working if the search field has focus or your mouse cursor is in the navigation area.
ESC key is global.
UP - Previous category / Previous item
DOWN - Next category / Next item
ENTER - Open category / Load selected item
ESC - Clear search field and set focus
HelpIf you want something done right, do it yourself.
Any idea and feedback to make this a better navigation for the documentation is very welcome.
Please use the feedback forum.
This project is open source and hosted at Github: http://github.com/mustardamus/jqapi.
Feel free to implement or extend the features you want. Just send a fork request, if your code changes makes the site better I am happy
to deploy it and give you credit.
ChangelogjQAPI history.
[01/13/12] Fixed XSS bug found by bulkneets (Tweet).
[11/04/11] Updated Documentation for jQuery 1.7
Updated to jQuery 1.7
Added license information
No way! Valid HTML!
[09/30/11] Updated Documentation for jQuery 1.6
Remove 'Plugin' Category
[05/03/11] Updated to Documentation for jQuery 1.6
[04/01/11] Updated to Documentation for jQuery 1.5.1
[02/09/11] Updated to Documentation for jQuery 1.5
[11/12/10] Updated to Documentation for jQuery 1.4.4.
[10/22/10] Updated to Documentation for jQuery 1.4.3. Working on the new jQAPI.
[07/11/10] Updated to jQuery 1.4.2, BBQ 1.2.1, doTimeout 1.0
[03/20/10] Refactored code.
Replaced feedback badge with a normal link.
Added Home link.
Top navigation with Home and Feedback link fade out when scrolling into content.
Feedback overlay now has a close link.
jQAPI has now an AIR app thanks to Erik Zaadi.
[03/05/10] Updated documentation for version 1.4.2
[02/01/10] Pages are now bookmark-able. BBQ Plugin doing 99% of the work.
Fixed images.
History is working.
[01/31/10] Complete rewrite with Ajax magic, better keyboard support and faster search.
[01/29/10] Released hacked together version with good ol' iframes. (repo)
ContactAka 'I haven't found another place to stick all the links I want you to go to'.