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Note: This Java deployment guide describes features released prior to the Java SE 6 update 10 release. See Java Rich Internet Applications Development and Deployment for the latest information.

Internet/Intranet Deployment of the Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE™) Software

Internet deployment

If you would like to have your internet customers download Sun JRE to run your applets inside Internet Explorer, you should consider hosting the Java technology logos at your web site.

When users click on any one of these logos, a security dialog box pops-up the screen to confirm whether the user would like to install and run Java Plug-in, signed and distributed by Sun Microsystems. If they agree to install, the browser will download and launch the installer. The user will have to go through a few installer dialogs to successfully install Java Plug-in on their system. After the successfull installation, the browser will display a confirmation message, and the system tray will contain a Java icon, indicating the system is running the Sun JRE.

Intranet deployment

You can distribute Sun JRE to intranet users by hosting the .msi file on an internal web site and asking users to launch the installer through msiexec. The other option is to install the JRE through Active Directory. If you are using Active Directory, you may have to customize the .msi file, which is known as creating a transform.

You can obtain the .msi file for the JRE installer by installing the JRE offline Windows installer. After installation, the .msi file, jre1.6.0.msi, will be available in the directory AppDataFolder\jre1.6.0, where AppDataFolder is the user's "Application Data" folder (typically something like C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data), and CLSID is a long string like 7148F0A6-6813-11D6-A77b-00B0D0142010, depending on the release.

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