Source code for django.core.mail

Tools for sending email.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

# Imported for backwards compatibility, and for the sake
# of a cleaner namespace. These symbols used to be in
# django/core/ before the introduction of email
# backends and the subsequent reorganization (See #10355)
from django.core.mail.utils import CachedDnsName, DNS_NAME
from django.core.mail.message import (
    EmailMessage, EmailMultiAlternatives,
    SafeMIMEText, SafeMIMEMultipart,
    BadHeaderError, forbid_multi_line_headers)

__all__ = [
    'CachedDnsName', 'DNS_NAME', 'EmailMessage', 'EmailMultiAlternatives',
    'make_msgid', 'BadHeaderError', 'forbid_multi_line_headers',
    'get_connection', 'send_mail', 'send_mass_mail', 'mail_admins',

[docs]def get_connection(backend=None, fail_silently=False, **kwds): """Load an email backend and return an instance of it. If backend is None (default) settings.EMAIL_BACKEND is used. Both fail_silently and other keyword arguments are used in the constructor of the backend. """ klass = import_string(backend or settings.EMAIL_BACKEND) return klass(fail_silently=fail_silently, **kwds)
[docs]def send_mail(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None, connection=None, html_message=None): """ Easy wrapper for sending a single message to a recipient list. All members of the recipient list will see the other recipients in the 'To' field. If auth_user is None, the EMAIL_HOST_USER setting is used. If auth_password is None, the EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD setting is used. Note: The API for this method is frozen. New code wanting to extend the functionality should use the EmailMessage class directly. """ connection = connection or get_connection(username=auth_user, password=auth_password, fail_silently=fail_silently) mail = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, connection=connection) if html_message: mail.attach_alternative(html_message, 'text/html') return mail.send()
[docs]def send_mass_mail(datatuple, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None, connection=None): """ Given a datatuple of (subject, message, from_email, recipient_list), sends each message to each recipient list. Returns the number of emails sent. If from_email is None, the DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL setting is used. If auth_user and auth_password are set, they're used to log in. If auth_user is None, the EMAIL_HOST_USER setting is used. If auth_password is None, the EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD setting is used. Note: The API for this method is frozen. New code wanting to extend the functionality should use the EmailMessage class directly. """ connection = connection or get_connection(username=auth_user, password=auth_password, fail_silently=fail_silently) messages = [EmailMessage(subject, message, sender, recipient, connection=connection) for subject, message, sender, recipient in datatuple] return connection.send_messages(messages)
[docs]def mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=False, connection=None, html_message=None): """Sends a message to the admins, as defined by the ADMINS setting.""" if not settings.ADMINS: return mail = EmailMultiAlternatives('%s%s' % (settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, subject), message, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, [a[1] for a in settings.ADMINS], connection=connection) if html_message: mail.attach_alternative(html_message, 'text/html') mail.send(fail_silently=fail_silently)
[docs]def mail_managers(subject, message, fail_silently=False, connection=None, html_message=None): """Sends a message to the managers, as defined by the MANAGERS setting.""" if not settings.MANAGERS: return mail = EmailMultiAlternatives('%s%s' % (settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, subject), message, settings.SERVER_EMAIL, [a[1] for a in settings.MANAGERS], connection=connection) if html_message: mail.attach_alternative(html_message, 'text/html') mail.send(fail_silently=fail_silently)