

Pseudo-random number generation
Uniform random bit generators
Engines and engine adaptors
Non-deterministic generator
Uniform distributions
Bernoulli distributions
Poisson distributions
Normal distributions
Sampling distributions
Seed Sequences
C library
(1) (since C++11)
explicit shuffle_order_engine( result_type s );
(2) (since C++11)
template< class Sseq >
explicit shuffle_order_engine( Sseq& seq );
(3) (since C++11)
explicit shuffle_order_engine( const Engine& e );
(4) (since C++11)
explicit shuffle_order_engine( Engine&& e );
(5) (since C++11)

Constructs new pseudo-random engine adaptor.

1) Default constructor. The underlying engine is also default-constructed.
2) Constructs the underlying engine with s.
3) Constructs the underlying engine with seed sequence seq. This constructor only participate in overload resolution if Sseq qualifies as a SeedSequence. In particular, this constructor does not participate in overload resolution if Sseq is implicitly convertible to result_type.
4) Constructs the underlying engine with a copy of e.
5) Move-constructs the underlying engine with e. e holds unspecified, but valid state afterwards.


s - integer value to construct the underlying engine with
seq - seed sequence to construct the underlying engine with
e - pseudo-random number engine to initialize with